How to Install lsb_release on Ubuntu and CentOS

The lsb_release command provides certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and distribution-specific information.  The command has flags to display some or all of the information. [user@centos-server ~]$ lsb_release --help FSG lsb_release v2.0 prints certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and Distribution information. Usage: lsb_release [OPTION]... With no OPTION specified defaults to -v. Options: -v, --version Display the […] Read More

Installing GNOME Desktop on Ubuntu

Introduction In many cases a minimum server or desktop installation on Ubuntu does not include a graphical desktop.  Installing the packages needed for the GNOME desktop environment is simple. Installation Installation of the gnome desktop packages will take a fair amount of time since there are many files to install.   Therefore, the faster your Internet […] Read More